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1. Ibn Mājid, Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad al-Saʿdī al-Najdī (fl.1462-1498)//al-Mahrī, Sulaymān ibn Aḥmad ibn Sulaymān (fl.1511). Instructions nautiques et routiers arabes et portugais des XVe et XVIe siècles. Tome 2: Le pilote des mers de l'Inde, de la Chine et de l'Indonésie. Reproduced by Gabriel Ferrand. ix, 9, 188pp.. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1925.
Notes: Reproduction phototypique du manuscrit 2559 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris. Includes by Sulaymān al-Mahrī: Risālat Qilādat al-Shumūs wa-Istikhrāj Qawāʿid al-Usūs; Kitāb Tuḥfat al-Fuḥūl fī Tamhīd al-Uṣūl; al-ʿUmdah al-Mahrīyah fī Ḍabṭ al-ʿUlūm al-Baḥrīyah; Kitāb al-Minhāj al-Fākhir fī ʿIlm al-Baḥr al-Zākhir; Kitāb Sharḥ Tuḥfat al-Fuḥūl fī Tamhīd al-Uṣūl; and by Ibn Mājid: al-Urjūzah al-Musammāh bil-Sabʿīyah li-anna fīhā Sabʿat ʿUlūm min ʿUlūm al-Baḥr ghayr al-Firāsah wa-al-Ishārāt; al-Qaṣīdah; al-Qaṣīdah al-Musammāh bil-Hadīyah. Review see Anonymous.
Subjects: Literature/Naval



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